Support Youth Outdoor Education
Show your support of youth outdoor education by gifting to JTREE. Your donations go directly to supporting an innovative residential outdoor education program that will inspire young people and build tomorrow’s environmental leaders. It’s an investment in future generations and the preservation of this fragile, blue green planet we call Earth.
Contributions will go towards the completion of plans, designs and environmental reviews that will lay the foundation for the JTREE experience and help turn it from an inspirational concept into the California desert’s leading youth residential outdoor environmental education facility.
Donors during this critical phase of fundraising will be acknowledged on JTREE’s website and campus facilities for their vision for supporting a unique environmental education program and protecting the natural and cultural heritage of the California desert.
Ways To Give
During JTREE’s initial fundraising campaign, the organization is focusing on completion of plans, designs and environmental reviews. Those who contribute during this critically important initial phase of fundraising shall be acknowledged by JTREE for their vision, understanding and awareness of the importance of contemporary youth outdoor ecological education.
Suggested Donor Levels
$50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000 +
Planned gifts allow donors to designate funds to be received by JTREE through bequests, charitable trusts, gift annuities, life insurance, or other forms. Please contact your financial advisor to establish a Dona Advised Fund for JTREE.
JTREE is prepared to work directly with foundations or corporations who are considering partnerships and/or charitable gifts to facilitate youth ecological education capacity building strategies. For more information please contact JTREE.
Questions about charitable giving and taxes? Contact us today.
a message from:
Mark Butler
JTREE Board of Directors
Chair, Fundraising Committee
Superintendent, Joshua Tree National Park (retired)
Almost daily, we hear news that highlights the uncertainty of our planet’s ecological future. From these reports one can quickly conclude that there is a serious global ecological crisis looming on the horizon. Much can be done to help change our future path, but it’s clear there is no better cause than supporting efforts to educate youth about the natural world, and by doing so inspire them to take action.
It’s been widely acknowledged that providing youth outdoor ecological education can increase self-confidence and encourage young people to become actively engaged in society. By building self-esteem, personal knowledge, and 21st-century skills its clear we can inspire youth to live healthier, positive, more sustainable and socially engaged lives.
In response, as a newly established charitable 501(c)(3) organization, JTREE is taking action to sustainably provide outdoor residential multi-day youth science-based education experiences. Today, there is currently no permanent, multiday, youth-oriented outdoor education program located in the entire, 20-plus million-acre California Desert region. It is envisioned that JTREE will serve more than 4,000 youth per year and focus on serving a diverse student body that otherwise might not have the opportunity to participate in such a program.
Joshua Tree NP, together with the entire California Desert, is one of the most unique, scenic, intact and threatened ecoregions in the United States. A focus of the JTREE program is to encourage youth to become the next generation of ecological stewards and leaders, and to help increase awareness about the ecological significance, changes, threats and challenges facing the desert.
To make JTREE’s educational programs a reality we desperately need your support. Please join JTREE in making youth outdoor education experiences a reality by contributing today.
Mark Butler
Donate Today!
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Look Who Supports JTREE
Many thanks to our loyal supporters! Read what they have to say about a youth-oriented residential outdoor education camp in Joshua Tree National Park.
- California Retired Teachers Association – Hi Desert Division 62: CalRTA Letter of Support (PDF)
- Morongo Educational Foundation, Inc.: MEF Letter of Support (PDF)
- Morongo Teachers Association: MTA Letter of Support (PDF)

Joshua Tree National Park

Teaching Today's Youth Through Nature

I hear and I forget…I see and I remember… I do and I understand.” a CHINESE PROVERB