Grade 6: Let’s Get Together
April 8 @ 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

FIELD TRIP #3 | Let’s Get Together
Location: Indian Cove Amphitheater inside Joshua Tree National Park
Big Question: How can we be part of the conservation efforts in our own backyard?
Small Question: What have we learned about the desert?
Objective: Both 6th grade classes attend this field trip together to collaborate on a special presentation. In small groups, students will develop presentations to share at Community Night to be held at a location to be announced. These presentations will share information about what the students have learned throughout their experiences over the past school year at Oasis EL and in JTNP. There will be a brief review of the topics studied including: 1) Why understanding human impact on the environment is important; 2) Leave No Trace Principles; 3) Indigenous Peoples and Pioneers; 4) Safety in the Desert; 5) Design a plant or an animal that would thrive in the desert (specific adaptation must be described); and others that may be introduced during the year.
Materials/Supplies: Sunscreen, lunch and water. JTREE will supply all other materials.
To register your class for this date & time, please complete and submit the form below.
- Bus transport to and from Indian Cove Amphitheater in Joshua Tree National Park.
Teachers request their bus through their online method. - Students will need their lunches plus JTREE water bottles, backpacks, journals and pencils. Water and snacks to be provided by JTREE.
- Teacher and parent chaperones requested.
Only 1 class per activity date/time