Grades 2: Solar Impacts

Oasis Elementary School 73175 El Paseo Drive, Twentynine Palms

Big Question: Why are some parts of the playground hotter than others? Small Question: How does the color of a surface impact its temperature? Vocabulary: Ultraviolet Rays, adaptations Warmer, Cooler, Temperature, Material, Surface, Shade, Dark, Light Objective: Students will explore different parts of the playground to hypothesize and determine which

Grades 3: Solar Impacts

Oasis Elementary School 73175 El Paseo Drive, Twentynine Palms

Big Question: What type of structures do critters need to be able to stay cool in desert environments? Small Question: How does the color of a surface impact its temperature? Vocabulary: Ultraviolet rays, adaptations, hotter, cooler, temperature, surface, shade, dark, light, competition Objective: Students will work together to create and

Grades 3: Solar Impacts

Oasis Elementary School 73175 El Paseo Drive, Twentynine Palms

Big Question: What type of structures do critters need to be able to stay cool in desert environments? Small Question: How does the color of a surface impact its temperature? Vocabulary: Ultraviolet rays, adaptations, hotter, cooler, temperature, surface, shade, dark, light, competition Objective: Students will work together to create and

Grades 2: Solar Impacts

Oasis Elementary School 73175 El Paseo Drive, Twentynine Palms

Big Question: Why are some parts of the playground hotter than others? Small Question: How does the color of a surface impact its temperature? Vocabulary: Ultraviolet Rays, adaptations Warmer, Cooler, Temperature, Material, Surface, Shade, Dark, Light Objective: Students will explore different parts of the playground to hypothesize and determine which

Grades 3: Solar Impacts

Oasis Elementary School 73175 El Paseo Drive, Twentynine Palms

Big Question: What type of structures do critters need to be able to stay cool in desert environments? Small Question: How does the color of a surface impact its temperature? Vocabulary: Ultraviolet rays, adaptations, hotter, cooler, temperature, surface, shade, dark, light, competition Objective: Students will work together to create and